Thursday, May 7, 2009

Making Sure You Never Forget: The Advertising Jingle

This week, I have found myself on several occasions whistling, humming, or just plain old busting out into random TV jingles. Proving that people that make them...definitely know how to do their jobs. It seems like there is a jingle for everything and many of them are pretty catchy. Some of the most common ones I found myself humming to were an array of jingles from's commercials. The stories behind these commercials range anywhere from not being able to buy the "cool "new car, to the most recent venture of moving to a Renaissance fair, because of a poor credit rating. If those weren't enough, here are some more examples of jingles that have stuck in my head....for hours on end. Who could forget the DietcherryDr.Pepper commercial, where in the midst of a conversation a woman's mind just wanders off.......Where was I? Oh yeah, there is even a jingle for some pretty inconvenient situations. What is the method behind this madness?What do the experts have to say about this? Well let's ask them. According to Tim Faulkner (2009), “A jingle is a radio or TV advertising slogan set to a memorable melody. Jingles are written explicitly about a product -- they can be original works designed to describe a product or service, or to help consumers remember information about a product. As long as the slogan is instantly catchy -- and hard to forget -- there's almost no limit to what advertisers can say in a jingle.” In my case, the jingles that I have been exposed to are extremely effective. To the men and women who write these things, mission accomplished! Jingles have also incorporated music that wasn’t originally meant to be used in advertising, and were songs that were played on the radio. Some good examples are the Venus razor commercials and the Swiffer commercials. I apologize now if any of these catchy tunes have gotten stuck in your head. I have to ask…do you have a favorite jingle. If so, what is it?


  1. Haha...This was a very funny and interesting blog. I know exactly where you come from when you say you often find yourself humming or even signing the tunes from commercials. My boyfriend hates when I do it for some reason, but it is like I can't even help myself when it comes on. It's like having a song you love come on the radio when you're in your car, you can't help but belt it out!!I have to agree that the commericial are definately the winners in my book.

  2. I do this ALL THE TIME. In the car, in the shower, doing homework, cleaning. Doesn't matter what I'm doing or where I am, if something reminds me of it or I just randomly think or it, I'll burst out into a jingle. Stephen will do it sometimes too and then we just laugh at each other. Sometimes, yes i know we're losers, but we'll even do it at the same time...can't help it.

  3. Using familiar songs to sell products works. I think that the reason some of the local commercials aren't as successful is that the songs they use are not always very creative and are not well known. I think my favorite commercials all involve some kind of song. I don't think I have a favorite one though.

  4. Ya I can see why people use this technique to sell thing. the stupid song does get stuck in your head. Special the free credit report songs. Only if it was those guys actually singing the songs.
