Sunday, April 12, 2009

Social Networks: Beware What You Post

This week is a little more unorthodox in my writing. After given permission, I was allowed to write about something besides superhero after much consideration I decided to write about the hazards of social networks. According to (2009), a social network is a website where one connects with those sharing personal or professional interests, place of origin, education at a particular school, etc. Common examples of these are and They allow you to share information about yourself with the world, which is a really neat prospect. However, these sites do also pose somewhat of a threat to not only your future employment, but to your property and your privacy. One of the things that caught my attention about these websites was a rise in violent crimes over statuses on these websites, where wives have been literally killed over having their statuses changed to single. Another instance that really bothered me was that teens have decided to show themselves fighting, committing stupid acts and or crimes and then posting them on YouTube. Let's get real there is nothing cool about bashing someone's teeth in and then posting it on the internet. Not only are the acts that these people are committing outright stupid, but to go on and post them that is ridiculous. People can be charged for those crimes and the video has been and can be used as evidence. I am not saying that people shouldn’t enjoy using these social websites, but to use them safely and intelligently. I’ll admit, I use these websites as well, but my best advice is to be smart about it. As shown in the links, there are some real dangers that can come from these websites. One can do simple things, such as setting their page to private or just not releasing something of poor taste. Once something hits the internet, it never really disappears.


  1. I agree with this! People need to be smart about what they want to put on the internet. A lot of people these days put pictures of things they do that are illegal and could get them into some trouble. Also for the future employment thing, people need to be careful about what they put in their interests and about me section if they want their future employers to think they are appropriate for the job! Maybe now people will think again after they read this! Good post Zach!

  2. First off I’m going to admit that I’m addicted to Facebook! I do agree that you need to be very careful about what you post on Facebook. It seems that my friend list keeps growing and growing and I find myself accepting people that aren’t even my friends or that I don’t even know in “real life”. This could definitely be a problem! I guess it’s just a reminder that we need to be aware of what we are posting and giving out information on, because we never really know who will see it.

  3. This is a true thing in life now in the times of technology. People really don't realize that your not truly safe on the internet. I myself use facebook and sometimes I ask why am I on this network. I know how people can be deceiving when you can't see these people's true faces. So it is just a good choice to be smart on who you add.

  4. Ya facebook is way to addicting. And I agree with the fact that people need to watch what they put on there facebook. Would you really want your grandma seeing some of the stuff that goes on your pictures or is said on your wall.

  5. I'm not a big fan of facebook or myspace at all. It may be something to do when you are bored, but there is no doubt that it takes up precious time. It is nice to keep in touch with people or see what they are up to, but people can go way to far. Users need to be very careful when posting their personal information because any nerd with a computer could see what you are posting. I think that social networks are relied to heavily upon and kinda with that people would do more face to face than keys to keys.

  6. Wow, I cannot believe people would kill someone over their status. Amazing what people will do these days. When you were talking about people posting videos of fights, that happened in my high school. Someone posted a video of a fight they had been in and they almost got charged for a crime because of it. Also, that same person posted a video of something stupid they had done on school grounds, I do not remember what they did, and the pricipal forced him to take it off the internet or be suspended. Very touchy situation.
